Training Modules Archive
Module 1

Module 1
Presenter's Presentation: PowerPoint

Slide 1

Promoting Social Emotional Competence

Promoting Children’s Success: Building Relationships and Creating Supportive Environments

Slide 2


Slide 3

Learner Objectives

1.Participants will be able to describe the relationship between children’s social emotional development and challenging behaviors

2. Participants will be able to describe the importance of building relationships with children, families, and colleagues

3.Participants will be able to describe the relationship between a number of environmental variables and children’s challenging behaviors

4. Participants will be able to identify strategies to build positive relationships

5. Participants will use positive feedback and encouragement appropriately

6.Participants will evaluate their work

Slide 4

Examining Our Attitudes about Challenging Behavior

Slide 5

Managing Personal Stress: Thought Control

Upsetting Thoughts

Calming Thoughts

Slide 6

Managing Personal Stress: Thought Control

Upsetting Thought

Calming Thoughts

Slide 7

Key Social Emotional Skills Children Need as They Enter School

Key Skills

When children don’t have these skills, they often exhibit challenging behaviors

We must focus on teaching the skills!!

Slide 8

Some Basic Assumptions

Slide 9

Classroom Preventive Practices - Promoting Children’s Success

Create a context that makes EVERY child feel good about coming to school

Design an environment that promotes child engagement

Focus on teaching children what To Do!

Slide 10

[Pyramid: top to bottom]

Slide 11

Building Relationships with Children

Why is it important?

How do we build relationships with children?

Slide 12

Strategies for Building Relationships

Slide 13

[Pyramid: top to bottom]

Slide 14

Classroom Arrangement and Design: Traffic Patterns

Carefully plan traffic patterns

Slide 15

Classroom Arrangement and Design: Learning Centers

Physical Design

Slide 16

Classroom Arrangement and Design: Learning Centers

Create Meaningful and Engaging Learning Centers

Slide 17

Classroom Arrangement and Design: Activity

Slide 18

Schedules and Routines

Develop a schedule that promotes child engagement and success

Establish a routine and follow it consistently

Slide 19


Plan for transitions

Teach children the expectations related to transitions

Slide 20

[Photo of classroom door area with cutouts of feet lined up on floor and stop sign on door]

Slide 21

[Photo of Center Time chart]

Slide 22

[Photo handwashing chart]

Slide 23

[Photo of computer with removable child's photo and name posted on it. A timer sitting beside computer.]

Slide 24

[Photo of picture and image cards on a metal ring. One card reads: "quiet voice" ]

Slide 25

[Photo of computer usage chart]

Slide 26

[Photo of Circle chart]

Slide 27

[Photo of Songs chart]

Slide 28

Photo of Snack chart]

Slide 29

Schedule Activity

Slide 30

Large Group Activities

Planning the activity

Implementing the activity

Slide 31

Circle Activity

Clip 1.2:

Clip 1.3:

Both Clips:

Slide 32

Small Group Activities

Importance of small group activities

Planning and implementing

Slide 33

Adaptations and Modifications
(Sandall & Schwartz, 2002)

Slide 34

Giving Directions

Slide 35

Giving Directions

Slide 36

General Guidelines about Rules and Directions

Slide 37

Involving Children in Developing the Rules

Slide 38

Rules Should Address

Slide 39

Rules Activity

Slide 40

Fun Ways to Reinforce the Rules

Slide 41

Ignoring Misbehavior

Slide 42

Ignoring Misbehavior

Slide 43

To Use Ignoring

Slide 44

When You Ignore

Slide 45


Slide 46


Slide 47

Ongoing Monitoring and Positive Attention

Slide 48

Positive Attention Activity

Slide 49

Using Positive Feedback and Encouragement: 4 Principles

Slide 50

Using Positive Feedback and Encouragement

Slide 51

Increasing Positive Behaviors: Activity

Slide 52

Sample Certificate

This certificate is to certify that Marleco is a SUPER FRIEND!!

Today, Marleco used his words to ask Malen nicely for a turn on the swing. When he was done swinging, he asked Malen if she wanted another turn and then helped to push her. At circle time, he gave his friend Cesar a compliment! YAY Marleco!! What a Super Friend you are!!

Give yourself a pat on the back!!

Signed by: Miss Gail & Mr. Jim
Date: January 7, 2003

Slide 53

Major Messages

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This material was developed by the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (Cooperative Agreement N. PHS 90YD0119). The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial projects, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. You may reproduce this material for training and information purposes.

We welcome your feedback on this Training Module. Please go to the CSEFEL Web site ( or call us at (217) 333-4123 to offer suggestions.

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