Promoting Children's Success: Building Relationships and Creating Supportive Environments
Building Positive Relationships with
Young Children
Gail E. Joseph, Ph.D., & Phillip S.
Strain, Ph.D.
Center on Evidence Based Practices
for Early Learning
University of Colorado at Denver
The fundamental importance of
building positive relationships
with children can be best
illustrated by the following scenarios.
Helen and her 30-month-old daughter,
Lucy, have a long-standing morning
tradition of going to a neighborhood
park and playing with other parents
and children. They spend anywhere
from 1 to 2 hours each day at the park.
This day, however, Helen receives an
emergency call and needs to return to
their home immediately. She and Lucy
have been at the park for about 10
minutes, and Lucy is playing “cooks”
with her best friend Tito. Helen says to
Lucy, “Honey, I’m sorry, but you and
Mommy have to go home right now.
Everything is O.K., but we have to
go.” Lucy begins to whimper and says,
“But, I was playing with Tito.” Helen
reaches down and hugs Lucy, saying,
“I know. Let’s call Tito’s mommy
when we get home and invite him over
to play later.” Lucy says, “O.K.,” and
she and her mom hurry home.
Eric has been a Head Start teacher
for 10 years. In that time, he has built a
reputation as the teacher for the tough
kids. This year, Bill is assigned to
Eric’s class because of Bill’s long
history of hyperactivity, negativity, and
aggression toward adults and peers.
Two months into the year, the Center’s
administrator sheepishly asks Eric how
things are going with Bill. Eric replies,
“Great, boy were folks wrong about
Bill.” Somewhat flabbergasted, the
administrator decides to see for
himself. What he observes in less that
10 minutes is as follows. Eric says to
everyone, “Look at Bill, he is sitting so
quietly in circle; too cool Bill!” When
Bill answers a question about the story,
Eric says, “Bill, that’s right, you are
really concentrating today.” When
transition is about to occur, Eric says,
“Bill, can you show everyone good
walking feet to snack?” At snack, a
peer asks Bill for juice, and he passes
the container. Eric, being vigilant, says,
“Bill, thanks for sharing so nicely.”
After completing a functional
behavior assessment, Erin, an ECSE
teacher, determines that Jessie’s longstanding
tantrum behaviors in the class
are designed to acquire adult attention.
Erin institutes a plan to ignore Jessie’s
tantrums and to spend as much time
and attention when Jessie is not having
a tantrum. After four days of increased
tantrums, Jessie’s behavior has
improved dramatically.
In each of the foregoing scenarios,
adults were successful in achieving
improved behavior change in contexts
that many individuals might predict
would lead to continuing, even
escalating challenging behavior.
However, in each case, children were
obviously attuned to adults, focused on
their communication, and prone to
value and seek-out adult approval.
In each case, the adults had invested
time and effort prior to the events in
question, communicating their
noncontingent affection and
unquestioned valuing of these children.
We submit that this prior history of
positive relationship building is a
prerequisite to effective intervention
practices for challenging behavior and
thus goal one for adults and caregivers
wishing to prevent challenging
behavior and enhance children’s sense
of well-being and social competence.
How does one go about the task of
relationship building?
Building Positive Relationships
Building positive relationships with
young children is an essential task and
a foundational component of good
teaching. All children grow and thrive
in the context of close and dependable
relationships that provide love and
nurturance, security, and responsive
interactions. A positive adult-child
relationship built on trust,
understanding, and caring will foster
children’s cooperation and motivation
and increase their positive outcomes at
school (Webster-Stratton, 1999). In a
review of empirically derived risk and
protective factors associated with
academic and behavioral problems at
the beginning of school, Huffman et al.
(2000) identified that having a positive
preschool experience and a warm and
open relationship with their teacher or
child care provider are important
protective factors for young children.
These protective factors operate to
produce direct, ameliorative effects for
children in at-risk situations (Luthar,
1993). Next, we describe some of the
key ingredients for relationship
First Things First
Utilizing a relationship-building
model, proper sequencing of adult
behavior is critical. Simply put, adults
need to invest time and attention with
children as a precedent to the optimum
use of sound behavior change
strategies. There are two reasons that
this sequence is so important. First, it should be noted that the protective
factors promoted during relationship
building can and do function to reduce
many challenging behaviors. As such,
taking the time to do relationship
building may save time that would be
spent implementing more elaborate and
time-consuming assessment and
intervention strategies. Second, as
adults build positive relationships with
children, their potential influence on
children’s behavior grows
exponentially. That is, children cue in
on the presence of meaningful and
caring adults, they attend differentially
and selectively to what adults say and
do, and they seek out ways to ensure
even more positive attention from
adults (Lally, Mangione, & Honig,
1988). It is this positive relationship
foundation that allowed Helen with
minimal effort to leave the park early
with Lucy, for Eric to experience Bill
in a much more positive way than prior
teachers, and for Erin to alter Jessie’s
tantrums in such short order.
Getting to Know You
In order for adults to build
meaningful positive relationships with
children, it is essential to gain a
thorough understanding of children’s
preferences, interests, background, and
culture. For very young children and
children with special needs, this
information is most often accessed by
observing what children do and by
speaking directly to parents and other
caregivers. With this information,
adults can ensure that their play with
children is fun, that the content of their
conversations is relevant, and that they
communicate respect for children’s
origins. Whenever possible, this kind
of information exchange should be as
reciprocal as possible. That is, adults
should be sharing their own interests,
likes, backgrounds, and origins with
children as well.
It Takes a Lot of Love
For many children, developing
positive relationships with adults is a
difficult task. Prior negative history and
interfering behavior often conspire to
make the task of relationship
development long and arduous. On
occasion then, adults should consider
that they will need to devote extensive
effort to relationship building. The
easiest, most straightforward way to
achieve a high level of intervention
intensity in the relationship-building
domain is to think about embedding
opportunities throughout the day (see
list below for specific suggestions).
While there is no magic number that
we know of, we have seen teachers
who can easily provide several dozen
positive, affirming statements to
children each day. For children who
have mostly heard criticism, it takes,
we feel, a lot of messages to the
Making Deposits

Figure 1. Making relationship deposits
Figure 2. Making relationship withdrawals
A metaphor for building positive
relationships that we find particularly
helpful is that of a piggy bank.
Whenever teachers and caregivers
engage in strategies to build positive
relationships, it is as if they are “making a deposit” in a child’s
relationship piggy bank. Conversely,
when adults make demands, nag, or
criticize children, it is as if they are
making a relationship withdrawal. For
some children, because there has been
no prior effort to make deposits in their
relationship piggy bank, nagging,
criticism, and demands may be more
akin to writing bad checks! It may be
helpful to reflect on the interactions
you have with an individual child and
think to yourself, “Am I making a
deposit or a withdrawal?” Or, “Have I
made any deposits in Bill’s piggy bank
today?” Figures 1 and 2 represent
example deposits (Figure 1) in the
relationship bank or withdrawals
(Figure 2) from the bank.
Undoubtedly teachers and child care
providers strive to build positive
relationships with all of the children in
their care. Typically, we have the best
relationships with children who
respond to us, seemingly like us, and
go along with our plans. But as you
know, it is more difficult to build
positive relationships with some
children than with others. We have all
had experience with children who push
our “hot buttons.” Maybe they demand
more attention than others, are
disruptive, unmotivated, oppositional,
aggressive, or do not give us the
positive feedback we get from others.
When our hot buttons get pushed, we
may feel frustrated and discouraged, or
bad about ourselves as teachers,
causing us to get angry, raise our
voices, criticize, or actively avoid these
children. Yet, the very children we find
the most difficult to build relationships
with are the ones who need positive
relationships with adults the most! It is
a natural reaction to feel emotional
when a hot button is pushed. However,
rather than feeling frustrated, angry, or
guilty about it, it is more productive to
think of the emotional response as a
warning sign that you will have to
work extra hard to proactively build a
positive relationship with this child. If
the adult is simply reacting to a hot button being pushed—he or she may
consistently become frustrated and
avoid the child. We recognize that
building positive relationships is far
from simple with some children. It
takes a frequently renewed
commitment and consistent effort.
Because this is easier said than done,
we have provided some practical
strategies for building positive
relationships with children throughout
the preschool day.
Practical Strategies for Building
Positive Relationships
- Distribute interest surveys that
parents fill out about their child
- Greet every child at the door by
- Follow a child’s lead during play
- Have a conversation over snack
- Conduct home visits
- Listen to a child’s ideas and stories
and be an appreciative audience
- Send positive notes home
- Provide praise and encouragement
- Share information about yourself
and find something in common with
the child
- Ask children to bring in family
photos and give them an opportunity
to share it with you and their peers
- Post children’s work
- Have a “Star” of the week who
brings in special things from home
and gets to share them during circle
- Acknowledge a child’s effort
- Give compliments liberally
- Call a child’s parents to say what a
great day she or he having in front
of the child
- Find out what a child’s favorite book
is and read it to the whole class
- Have sharing days
- Make “all about me” books and
share them at circle time
- Write all of the special things about
a child on a T-shirt and let him or
her wear it
- Play a game with a child
- Play outside with a child
- Ride the bus with a child
- Go to an extracurricular activity with
the child
- Learn a child’s home language
- Give hugs, high fives, and thumbs
up for accomplishing tasks
- Hold a child’s hand
- Call a child after a bad day and say
“I’m sorry we had a bad day today –
I know tomorrow is going to be
- Tell a child how much he or she
was missed when the child misses a
day of school
Beyond the specific strategies
enumerated above, we suggest that
adults can speed the process of
relationship building by:
- Carefully analyzing each compliance
task (e.g., “time to go to paints”)
and, where possible, shifting that
compliance task to a choice for
children (e.g., “Do you want to paint
or do puzzles?”);
- Carefully considering if some forms
of “challenging” behavior can be
ignored (e.g., loud voice)—this is
not planned ignoring for behavior
designed to elicit attention but
ignoring in the sense of making wise
and limited choices about when to
pick battles over behavior; and
- Self-monitoring one’s own deposits
and withdrawal behaviors and
setting behavioral goals accordingly.
Some teachers have easily done this
by using wrist golf counters to selfrecord
or by moving a plastic chip
from one pocket to the next. A
strategically posted visual reminder
can help teachers remember to make
numerous relationship deposits.
Most of this article has focused on
what children get out of positive
relationships with adults. However, we
contend that adults get something
valuable out of the time and attention
they expend to build these meaningful
relationships too. First, as was
mentioned earlier, the children we
build relationships with will be easier
to teach, more compliant, and less
likely to engage in challenging
behavior. Second, teachers will feel
more positive about their skills, their
effort – and we think may like their
jobs even more. Third, adults will
begin to see the “ripple effect” of
relationship building. As children learn
in the context of caring relationships
with adults, they will become more
skilled at building positive
relationships with other children.
Finally, providing a child with the
opportunity to have a warm and
responsive relationship with you means
that you have the pleasure of getting to
know the child as well.
Huffman, L., Mehlinger, S.L., &
Kerivan, A.S. (2000). Risk factors
for academic and behavioral
problems at the beginning of school.
Bethesda, MD: National Institute of
Mental Health.
Lally, J.R., Mangione, P.L., & Honig,
A.S. (1988). The Syracuse
University Family Development
Research Program: Long-range
impact of an early intervention with
low-income children and their
families. In D.R. Powell & I.E.
Sigel (Eds.), Parent education as
early childhood intervention:
Emerging directions in theory,
research and practice (pp. 79-104).
Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing
Luthar, S.S. (1993). Annotations:
Methodological and conceptual
issues in research on childhood
resilience. Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry, 34 (4),
Webster-Stratton, C. (1999). How to
promote children’s social and
emotional competence. London:
Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.