Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning


  • Colorado Team Update (docx 46.2KB)

  • Colorado/CSEFEL Partnership (pdf 39KB)
    Outlines Colorado's projected outcomes, goals, team members, and objectives in the state's partnership with CSEFEL

  • Pyramid Planning Team Roster (pdf 62KB)
    Provides contact information for the twelve members of the Colorado team.

  • Competencies - Final (pdf 171KB)
    A compilation of the stances taken by nationally recognized standards and lists of competencies on different aspects of social and emotional development, especially noting where the sources agree.

  • Pyramid Model Coaching Application (pdf 25KB)
    Application for Coaches who attended the previous “train-the trainer” event in Colorado.

  • Pyramid Model Partnership: Overall Action Plan (doc 79kb)
    Colorado’s Action Plan for the partnership with CSEFEL, including the objectives and action steps, along with the timeline associated with each step.

  • Partnership Meeting Ground Rules (doc 50kb)
    Outlines the rules for meetings with such specification of members’ roles, methods of decision making, as well as concerns for the tone and productivity of the meetings.

  • Coach and Demos Site Roster (doc 70kb)
    List of the Pyramid Model Coaches and Demonstration site in Colorado.

  • Year 1 Lessons Learned (doc 55kb)
    Reflects on the accomplishments, challenges and lessons learned by the Colorado team members in their first year.
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